Society for Social Studies of Science

4S Honolulu 2023: Call for Open Panels

Open panels are a way to articulate the research of colleagues and allow the formation of new networks around issues that are central to the field of STS.

An open panel proposal consists of an abstract of up to 250 words, including a brief discussion of your contribution to the field and to the theme of the 2023 conference, if relevant. The deadline for proposals for open panels is 17th March 2023. If accepted, open panels will be included in the general call for papers that will open on 10th April 2023. At that time, authors will be able to submit their papers for one or more panels.

The open panel chairs will have primary responsibility for the selection of abstracts submitted to their panels. By submitting a proposal, the chairs will be in charge of reviewing abstracts, chairing the sessions, and communicating with participants. An open panel can comprise up to three sessions of five papers each (i.e. a maximum of 15 papers in total). If a discussant is included, then the session could have up to four papers. The Program Committee reserves the right to make the final decision on which papers will be included in each panel.

If you have questions, please contact the Conference Chairs, Aya Kimura and Grant Otsuki and Conference Secretary, Callan Sait, at

Thank you for submitting an Open Panel proposal to 4S Honolulu!